
This weekend I saw the movie Garden State.
It was really good.
You should go see it.
I think you would like it.
I know I did.

In other useless ME news I went to a super fun Pinball Party at the new digs of Crosby Stills. Who happens to have one of my good buddies working for them now. Those lucky dogs.


Is it bad that I never use this thing? I'm horrible.

But hey, it's okay. On another note I'm getting ready for the Small Press Expo
!!! Who knows what kind of mess we'll get ourselves into. Boy howdy!

It's on Oct 1-3 so hopefully my wife will hold out on having our kid till I get back. It's hard to type with my fingers crossed.


I just finished this little illustration for Kitchen Sink Magazine. The article is about Survival Research Laboratories. The headline was When Robots Need Rogain.

Now to finish up some other work. With this guy.


Well, it looks like I've got a long stretch of stuff coming up. Really wanna go to SPX this year. I'm planning on it but it all really depends on if the baby is doing okay. It's due the end of October. We've got our fingers crossed and our nose to the grind stone. Hopefully we'll have a lot of really great stuff for everyone.

If you want to show your support then nows your chance to fund the trip! Your donations will go to pay for room and food. I promise not to spend it on comics. Scouts Honor! Just make a check out to J Chris Campbell and send it to P.O. Box 14234 Greenville SC 29610.

We're in it for us and you and that guy over there. Not him. The one with the really tight spider-man hat. Yeah, the one made for kids. That guy. Yeah, OK maybe we shouldn't be in it for that guy. Don't even think about him. Thanks!